Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I'm sorry

I'm so proud to myself that finally the wall's gone. Takes time but not that long.. I thought i make all things clear before i decide something that i still afraid to take.. For whatever reason.. I do not have right to change the decision.. I start to really like him.. And in the same time i need to let it go.. Dear.. It's my mistake I should have bern more careful before i take my decision.. I start looking at ur old pics.. I can feel how happy it was.. I feel unfair.. I have questions to God, why He allowed, why me, why now Anyway.. I feel bad , start to make the wall and it could be higher now Happy birthday anyway Gbu Lely

1 comment:

Unknown said...

guess whaaaaattt

he lied what I thought wasn't true.. oh dear.. I got cheated pphhhh
maaan maaaann