Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I'm sorry

I'm so proud to myself that finally the wall's gone. Takes time but not that long.. I thought i make all things clear before i decide something that i still afraid to take.. For whatever reason.. I do not have right to change the decision.. I start to really like him.. And in the same time i need to let it go.. Dear.. It's my mistake I should have bern more careful before i take my decision.. I start looking at ur old pics.. I can feel how happy it was.. I feel unfair.. I have questions to God, why He allowed, why me, why now Anyway.. I feel bad , start to make the wall and it could be higher now Happy birthday anyway Gbu Lely

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hello from the other side

2013 to 2016 Finally i atart to write again. 3 years so many things happened i almost forgot that i have blog, was reading it again, feel so funny and silly Saat ini adalah tahap pemulihan dari hubungan yang harus kandassss (again) Nice man but not in right time and place Tired everything but then God knows what i need and best for me Afrika selatan- luka! Masih tetap bergumul ttg pasangan hidup.. Belajar membuka hati dan mengumpulkan kepercayaan itu lagi Bersyukur untuk keluarga yang luar biasa memahami kekuranganku I praise the Lord for all things He has done, his mercy, his blessing Love Lely